Seisma pledge 1% to help break the cycle of poverty

With a strong alignment of values and a focus on the empowerment of women and girls in the IT space, so began our partnership with Seisma in 2020.

Seisma currently sponsor 85 of our secondary school girls as well as our IT Teacher, Jerome, and recently contributed to our Giving Day as matched funding partners.

We asked their COO, Heath Caban, some questions recently to get to know a little bit more about our major corporate partner.

Tell us a little bit about Seisma?

Seisma has been operating since 2004, but in October 2020 Liverpool Partners invested in the team and helped make us the IT services group we are today with a mission to become the largest 100% Australian owned professional services group with a social conscience.  We support the Australian economy and our amazing girls in Uganda with School for Life.


How and when did Seisma become connected with School for Life and our work?

As part of Liverpool Partners social governance we were introduced to the Generations Foundation and Pledge 1%.  We commit to donating 1% of our profit to social causes, and our main focus has been our involvement with School for Life.  We have been a major corporate sponsor for over a year now and we are so happy when we see what a difference this makes to the communities and the girls in particular.


Are there any key facets of School for Life that Seisma was drawn to in particular?

As an IT services company, we understand the gender imbalance.  We want to create a world where there are more opportunities for girls to become involved in STEM and the work that School for Life is doing in the ICT lab directly supports our mission.  Recently we participated in Giving Day and our team managed to raise enough money to support the wages for the ICT teacher.  We are so happy to have achieved that – and we are looking at other ways that we can lend our expertise as a mentor to the team on the ground in Uganda.


Why is it important for Seisma to support not-for-profit organisations like School for Life?

We have made a commitment to Pledge 1% of our profit to social causes.  We consider that this is just one of the many ways that we can demonstrate we care for our planet and it’s people.  Everybody deserves an opportunity to escape the poverty cycle and starting with early education of both genders, but especially girls, has been demonstrated to make a difference not only to the current generation but generations to come.  We are incredibly humbled to be part of a movement that is facilitating those opportunities.


In what ways is Seisma supporting School for Life to educate poverty out of existence?

School for Life are our Pledge 1% charity – but in addition we have a workplace gifting program where staff can donate from their pre tax salary and Seisma will match that amount $ for $.  This is in addition to our regular donation and is a great way for our teams to also feel connected to the mission of School for Life and our part, however large or small, in that cycle.


What is important to Seisma in a partnership with a non-profit? What kind of impact do you hope to have?

We hope that one day we can step back and see a whole group of girls who have graduated from the school, start their lives with careers of choice rather than passively taking on the roles of previous generations.  We love the updates from the team that allow us to measure our impact because it gives such a great perspective on the lives we take for granted here in Australia. 


Is there anything further you would like to add/share with the School for Life Community?

Your stories are inspiring – we love to hear from the families, the teachers and the students – but equally hearing the stories of fellow supporters.  There is community in our common cause.  A huge well done School for Life for keeping everything going through the COVID-19 challenges – you were able to pivot and provide essential services to families, and work to your teams and keep the students young minds active and engaged.

Thank you, Seisma, for your continued support. We are so grateful to have you part of the School for Life community! ❤️

If you would like to learn more about how your business can get involved with us, please send us an email at